Victorian Floor Tiles
Victorian Floor Tiles
Victorian floor tiles can be used in any room of the home. The smaller sizes are made for achieving unique patterns by combing colours and shapes.
These tiles can also be used in porch and garden path areas. We recommend sealing with Lithofin KF Stain Stop to protect against the weather.
Victorian 106x106mm Squares
Victorian 106x53mm Rectangles
Victorian 127x127mm Hexagons
Victorian 149x106x106mm Triangles
Victorian 151x151mm Squares
Victorian 151x24mm Rectangles
Victorian 151x53mm Rectangles
Victorian 151x75mm Rectangles
Victorian 305x75mm Rectangles
Victorian 50x36x36mm Triangles
Victorian 53x53mm Squares
Victorian 73x52x52mm Triangles
Victorian 75x75mm Squares